+982143907000 info@borujerdtextile.com

Production capacity 2500 tons per year of cotton, artificial and mixed cotton grades from 10 English to 60 English.

Technical Information

The spinning duct in this hall is 29,600 spindles. Meanwhile, due to the fact that a number of autocrats are equipped with Bobbin Sancher. The yarn can be transferred to the luminaire without the need for lacquer, resulting in lower yarn production and better quality.

Production line machines

  • Gear Card. Stretch, Shoulder, and Flare Ritter Making Switzerland
  • Ring and (all-seeing) Zinsar making Germany
  • Otkönger Schlach Fuhröt making Germany
  • Dowla Taby Zwevar Alma Manufacturing Germany
  • Volcker Steam Fixture Made in Germany

*قابل توجه سهامدارن محترم*


به پیوست آگهی دعوت به مجمع عمومی فوق العاده و آگهی زمانبدی پرداخت سود سال 1400 به اطلاع میرسد